Identify Coding Collaborators using Unsupervised Learning
ML Conference- Berlin, Germany -
Machine Learning on Source Code: from n-grams to GGNNs
ML Meetup - Nantes, France -
STYLE-ANALYZER: Fixing Code Style Inconsistencies with Interpretable Unsupervised Algorithms
MSR'19 - Montreal, Canada -
Empower developers with ML assisted code review
AI Meetup - Paris, France -
How AI can help programmers write better code?
AI & Society Meetup - Paris, France
Splitting source code identifiers using Bidirectional LSTM
ML4P - Oxford, UK -
Public Git Archive: A Big Code Dataset for All
MSR'18 - Gothenburg, Sweden -
Analyzing GitHub, how developers change programming languages over time
PyDays - Vienna, Austria
Analyzing GitHub, how developers change programming languages over time
PyData - Warsaw, Poland